Friday, 10 July 2015

July 10, 2015 at 04:30PM

Written By Citizen Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha HOMOSEXUALITY IN IMO STATE AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS Indeed the world has gone mad. The world system has turned the things of the world up-side down. The world system is controlled by Satan and his Agents. They use every strategy to lure people away from the normal way of living, and it is very unfortunate that people, in a bid to be counted among the “happening” men and women have turned away from the normal manner things are done, only for them to embrace crooked ways. There are so many things that we now do and we pretend it is normal whereas we know that it is totally wrong in the sight of God and other fellow human beings. Some of these things include; Armed Robbery, occultism, cultism, drug addiction, homosexuality, stealing and looting of the Nations resources, e.t.c. Of all the above, homo-sexuality is about the worst of them all and that is why I have decided to speak and write on it. One of the greatest challenges and tragedies of life is when a person is operating under the influence of ignorance and lack of knowledge. It is very unfortunate that many people have been deceived into this act of homosexuality with their physical eyes wide open, but I am going to open their eyes of understanding for them to know that homo-sexuality is from the devil and his agents and that anybody seen to be practicing it is from the evil one. The whole duty of man is to fear and respect Almighty God by doing those things he loves and distancing ourselves from the things which he hates. Homo-sexuality is the act of having sexual relationship with a person of the same sex. With a man and his fellow man, they are called homosexuals. With a woman and his fellow woman, they are called lesbians. How can a man penetrate his fellow man through the anus? Is this not madness? Is it not insanity of the highest order? There is nothing a man should be looking for in the anus of his fellow man. In fact there is nothing a man should be looking for in the body of his fellow man. What exactly is of interest there, if not that such useless and dirty act is demonic. Any act of homo-sexuality is an act of occultism. It is a very wicked device through which Satan and his human agents use to spread the kingdom of darkness and ensure that people are led into captivity. The kingdoms of darkness are many and each of them have special role to play in consolidating the evil works of Satan. The one in charge of spreading homosexuality is the MARINE SPIRITS FRATERNITY. Conversely any homosexual and lesbian is an agent of the Marine Spirits Fraternity. Homo-sexuality is clearly the misuse of nature. Almighty God himself refers to all manners of homo-sexual and lesbian acts as dishonourable passion. It lacks honour. It is an embodiment of shame. The satanic kingdom has consumed people with this dirty passion of wasting their energy and life on their fellow men. And women, on their fellow women. Since Almighty God sees those who practice this evil act as people of insane and debased minds, we should also classify such people as abnormal and demented people. Let us go into the Holy Scriptures to see what God says about Homosexuality. The word of God in Romans Chapter 1 verse 24 to 28 says “wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves. They exchanged the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator himself. For this cause, Almighty God gave them up into vile affections or shameful passions. Even the women pervert the natural use of their sex organs for unnatural acts. In the same way, the men give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion with each other. Men do shameful things with each other and as a result bring upon themselves the punishment they deserve for their wrong doing. Because these people refuse to do or keep in mind the true knowledge about God, he has given them over to corrupted minds, so that they do things which should not be done.’’ The bible quotation above is very clear as it describes homosexuals and lesbians as abnormal people who commit shameful acts. The word of God in 1 Corinthians Chapter 3 verse 17 says clearly that “if any man defiles the temple of God, the Lord will destroy him as well; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” Again in Leviticus Chapter18 verse 22, Almighty practically showed his disdain for homosexuals and lesbians. He says thus “thou shall not have sexual relations with your fellow man or with your fellow woman, for it is an abomination unto the Lord’’. It is therefore very clear that homosexuality is not only ungodly but also an abomination. It is occultic, demonic, inhuman, and insane for people to practice it. In the occult kingdom, they use acts of homosexuality to lure people into riches and glory of the world system. Specifically, the Marine Spirits Fraternity use homosexuality as a bait to lure, initiate and blend people into their circle of doom while promising earthly riches. Their members are in every sector of the economy namely: - politics, industry, education, oil and gas, transport, agriculture, commerce e.t.c. If any of their members happen into political position such as President, Governor, Senator, Minister; Commissioner, Ambassador e.t.c, he or she uses the opportunity to fix their other members in various positions of influence. Apart from that, the said member uses homosexuality as bait before any political position; contract or appointment is given to anybody in his area of control. For example, if the homosexual is a state governor, he uses homosexuality as bait before certain appointments, contracts, positions and privileges are given to people. It becomes worse if such a state governor is a member of various secret societies. It therefore means that before certain positions are given to you or you are allowed to occupy certain position; you will either be a homosexual, secret society member and even a drug addict. Also, by virtue of your dexterity and ingenuity, you can be given a political appointment but surely attempts would be made to lure you into either homosexuality, drug addiction or indeed their secret society. And when you fail to do so, you become a suspect. They will see you as a spy. This is actually the case in Imo state today. It is acknowledged that before May 2011, there was no homosexual club anywhere in Imo state, but today homosexual clubs are springing up everywhere in the state. In the state capital, Owerri alone, there are more than five homosexual clubs. Let truth be told; I am not against these homosexual clubs, rather I am mad at the government of the day that has allowed this clubs to spring up in the first place. Today in Imo state, homosexuality is the new way of life. It is the happening thing. It is almost the determinant factor to getting anything in and from the state government. Homosexuals and lesbians openly brandish and display their characters, trade and idiocy in government ministries, government parastatals and even in government house. It is a notorious fact that homosexuals and lesbians are in Government House and they practice their trade inside there. I have passion for Imo state and her development. Hmmm, honestly it is this passion and indeed the fear of God that has restrained me from going full blast, against my earlier position to mention names of these idiots who are involved in the ungodly act. Nevertheless, it is symbolic to note that Almighty God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality and occultism. Conversely, if God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality, the same God can destroy Imo state because of the same demonic act. If animals, birds of the air and fishes in the ocean do not engage in this stupid practice of homosexuality, why then should men and women created in the image of ALMIGHTY GOD engage in this evil act? It is a shame that the present Imo state government engage even known homosexual ‘’gospel singers’’ to perform at government functions. These known homosexual “gospel Singers” shamelessly and boldly display their faces on billboards in the state capital to congratulate Governor Rochas Okorocha for winning the 2015 governorship election. Since the government has allowed it, then it is expected that the Reformed Ogboni Fraternity and indeed other secret societies should quickly mount their own billboards to congratulate the governor. Also homosexual club houses in the state should equally mount their bill boards to congratulate the governor as well. Kidnappers must mount their own billboards to congratulate the governor. Native doctors should equally follow suit. At this point, let me say that certain things should not be allowed to happen in the state. When homosexuals and lesbians are allowed to be the mouth piece of the state, then Imo is finished. Let me open the minds of the reading public. When homosexuals are in strategic socio-political, economic, and religious positions in the state, then our children and future generations will be doomed. Let us take a look at the following. 1. The leadership of the ruling party in the state. 2. The leadership of State Government 3. The leadership of some government ministries 4. The leadership of some government parastatals 5. The leadership of their campaign structure 6. The leadership of the Nigerian Red Cross Society – Imo state chapter 7. The leadership of VOTE ROCHAS CLUB 8. The leadership of Almost everything in the state 9. The leadership of some local government areas (that is T.C chairmen) It is a shame. This virus called homosexuality has even penetrated into our traditional institution and churches. Some of our traditional rulers and men of God are chronic homosexuals. It is indeed a big shame. Every evil has a reward. Before I ‘’conclude’’ let me ‘’summarize’’ the penalties and consequences of homosexuality. 1. Unbalanced steps: The abnormal pressure on the anus which affects the arteries and pelvic bones cause unbalanced movements when walking. They walk ‘’HOGAMUGALLY’’(apologies to a former governor in the state.) 2. The cancer of the penis: The soft tissues of penis walls are meant for virginal walls which are equally made of soft tissue. The very harsh walls of the anus affect the penis and causes cancer. 3. Weakness of anus wall: The anus is just the extractor of soft object otherwise called feaces (‘’NSHI’’ in Igbo language\). The anus functions better and more effectively in giving out pressure. But in homosexuality otherwise called anal sex, the anus goes through inward pressure. The abnormality adversely affects anus cells and arteries and these results to weakness of anus walls. Much later there will be loose of control in passing out feaces. This is the reason most homosexuals wear pampers and pad. 4. Bleeding and pile: Because of the abnormal pressure the anus receives inwardly during anal sex, the anus valve tear very often. The end result is frequent bleeding and occurrence of chromic pile. 5. Easy transmission of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Because of the stiff and tight nature of the anus, blisters occur and it enhances the chances of contacting bacterial infections and HIV/AIDS virus. 6. Social stigma: Homosexuals are generally seen as abnormal and demented people with shameful public image. 7. Marital challenges: Homosexuals do not make good marriages. A very careful check will confirm this. 8. Laziness: Homosexuals are mostly lazy, especially those of them that play the female or feminine roles. 9. Severe enemity with Almighty God: Homosexuality is simply a practice of occultism, rituals and idol worship. It is one of the practices that enhance the kingdom of the Marine Spirits Fraternity. They are enemies of God. 10. Hell fire is the destination of all homosexuals and lesbians. It is therefore clear that homosexuality is evil and those that practice it are agents of the Marine Spirits Fraternity which is a part of the satanic kingdom. I am therefore calling on the appropriate authorities both at the state and federal levels to quickly introduce a Moral Instruction Policy in our primary, secondary and tertiary institutions to serve as a Moral Module for our children and youths. It is equally advisable that both the state and federal government should immediately order for the closure of all homosexual clubs in the land. Let me end this piece by commending the past administration of President Goodluck Jonathan for signing into law the bill against gay marriage and also calling on President Mohammadu Okechukwu Buhari to ensure that this law is completely adhered to. Indeed, Homosexuality is a form of corruption. I rest my pen.

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